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Child of Our Time BBC series: Story of Jamie, 4 diagnosed T1


23 January 2006

Child of Our Time BBC series: Story of Jamie, 4 diagnosed T1

To answer the question whether we are born or "made," the BBC has produced this fantistic series. It follows 25 children all born in the year 2000. In 2005, one of the children, Jamie Craven is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.

Watch the show on the BBC's video on demand. It is a heart-warming snapshot of both the shock of the diagnosis to the parents and the child. It also shows how life continues - in spite of it!

Go here to see it. Once there, click on Video on demand option. Immediately click on TV Series button. Click on "Child of Our Time." Click on series 5. Click on "State of Play" - name of the episode.

Jamie's story is almost immediately first on - within first 5 minutes of the show.


Blogger Christine said...

Darn, I really wanted to see it, but you have to be in the UK to watch.

3:34 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth Snouffer said...

Megan, that is just terrible!

I got on, and abviously living in the UK I can't completely trouble shoot, but I did notice that there is an International BBC version and a UK version. You may be automatically defaulted to BBC America. Try to access by going to the main home page for the BBC that way.
Let me know how it time I will think of these problems ahead of time (although I believe there are always ways around it!) Anyone else out there with more tech savvy have an opinion?

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly you can't get video on demand from outside the UK, because you're supposed to be a licence fee payer to see it.

Of course if you live in the UK and either don't own a television, or are a licence fee evader, then you can still watch! Perhaps the half of my licence fee that goes towards channels such as BBC3 and BBC4 that I can't receive (living outside a digital coverage area) offsets that!

5:19 PM  

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