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Media Prize for Best Diabetes Story


19 January 2006

Media Prize for Best Diabetes Story

For all writers/journalists out there with true competitive spirit, Novo Nordisk has instituted a Corporate media prize for stories written about diabetes related to awareness and education (non-scientific). The prize is aptly called “The Novo Nordisk Media Prize,” and is only awarded to lay media - aka print –not internet. Hmmm, I wonder why they are reluctant to include new media?

Judging Criteria: (from NN site)
The article must:
•be about diabetes (treatment, products, health issues and so on)
•be published in lay press (Print, national or local newspapers or magazines where the target is the general public)
•communicate about diabetes in an interesting, appealing and factually correct way.
My italics for "appealing" as it seems a strange word to use for criteria in journalism or a poor translation/language issue.

Apparently, there is a first tier National Round, and then all National Round winners go onto the International Round where the winner is awarded a “diploma” (?) and a 10,000 Euro prize award in September 2006.

For details on how to apply, see here. Read last year’s winner from South Africa, Justine Joseph’s article (Shape Magazine).

There is probably ample time to write and submit articles to “authentic” print media. What do you think of Justine’s parents? I was hoping for a story that was more inspirational. Not that it had to be about, "My Life with Diabetes and Walking the Hills of Kilimanjaro," but something a little less like an order of tuna on white bread. I was expecting Beef Bourgogne...but it is hard to find that in traditional media these days!


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