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Which type of Insulin Pumper are you? That is, in design and uptake?


16 January 2006

Which type of Insulin Pumper are you? That is, in design and uptake?

Animas/The Sleek One - the Animas pump owner may own the Motorola Razor phone as well (However, Animas calculates carbs and tells you adequate doses/ and allows you to create a food database with favorite meals!) Could be a product for a real foodie!

Disetronic/J&J's Accu-check Spirit/ The Newbie, and as Spirit is a new entry into the Pump market, this user may be a bit of a risk taker. Carb database and planner with Zire Palm Pilot. Spirit Customer service will lend extra pumps for travel...I have heard!

The latest from Medtronic/MiniMed: The New Worlder (available in US, Canada and Puerto Rico)...also has the The Paradigm LinkĀ® Blood Glucose Monitor which has a wireless connection that sends readings to the pump automatically-Wow! Otherwise, people like me are using the old standby Medtronic 508/or 512's here in Europe.

Deltec's Cozmo = Practical/dependable and a Techie-at-heart. This pump is the only pump with software that allows you to download pump activity with CoZ Manager (that they actually make accessible to the patient!)

The most difficult thing about my quick search was I could not make out which pump is coolest for kids! Is there a parent out there who knows?

Do you agree with these descriptions? Have I left anything out? Should patients have a choice in which pump they use? Or is this to be left up to the insurers/doctors/healthcare programme - whether privatized or State?


Blogger Kerri. said...

I think patients should absolutely be able to choose their own pumps. But their medical team should provide them with all the information they'll need to make an educated choice.

I'm sporting a Minimed Paradigm 512 currently. Debating the upgrade to the 515.

Having all these choices is brilliant, though!

3:39 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

It seems like most doctor push their patients toward minimed, but I also totally think patients need a choice. For me, I want a pump that is waterproof. Also, some patients need their's to hole more insulin. The patient is, afterall, the person who has to wear it everyday.

3:56 AM  
Blogger Allison said...

Ditto the others. I think it's ridiculous to have a physician choose the pump. Doctor's often have their "favorite" which may or may not be the prefered choice for the user. It limits option and education for the patient, which I'm always against.

That said, I also don't think there is a "prefered" one for children. As long as there is a safety lock feature (which I know Animas and Minimed has), there won't be any significant difference. Most of the difference between the pumps comes from the company and their policies on upgrades and upcoming features, the actual design and look of their pump, their educational and support system, and their customer service. The actual function of a pump remains almost identical throughout all the options.

I would say your description for the Cozmo fits all of them. I think they are all practical and dependable, as long as they work properly.

5:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to laugh. I am currently trying to decide on my first pump, and two of the three you described are pretty close to how I described them to my boss:

Animas 1250 - upscale, professional-looking, stylish, discrete (and yes I have a silver razor phone)

Accu-check Spirit - too New, not available yet in the US

Medtronic 515 - most widely used in the US, solid but not my first choice (if our insurance allows me a choice)

Deltec Cozmo - features galore for the die-hard Techie

I told him I was trying to make up my mind still. After hearing me describe them, he said I already had - the Animas. lol

9:35 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth Snouffer said...

Thanks for your posts - yes, I too believe that a product that we wear so close to our hearts (literally for me as I wear it hooked to my bra) should come with choice!

9:52 PM  

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