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Reader Comment from Nigeria


05 February 2006

Reader Comment from Nigeria

Because comments from old posts aren't often read, I decided to publish this comment that came in response to my Diabetes In Africa post. I was so elated that someone in Africa looked at the article, that I thought it was worthy to share and to show the power of blogging. Here it is:

I read with interest the article about diabetes in Africa. I'm mother of a 4 yr. son with Type 1 diabetes. We currently live in Lagos, Nigeria. We moved to Nigeria less than one year after my son's initial diagnosis. Our pediatric endocrinologist at the time thought we were nuts and did not want to assist us with long distance care for legal reasons. He tried to help us find an endocrinologist in Nigeria, but was not successful. At this point, I knew I had to educate myself in all aspects of diabetes management. Three years later, we still haven't been able to find a local endocrinologist. Therefore, I have to travel back to the US 2x per year for testing and supplies. They are unable to do HbA1c testing here. Thankfully, he hasn't had to be hospitalized for DKA or anything else.

It is true what was said about awareness and medical supplies for diabetes. I go into pharmacies and ask about their diabetic supplies. There aren't many products on the shelves. Many don't stock syringes. The supplies are also expensive. I promptly inform them of the different supplies that diabetics need.

It's really sad. I know there are thousands of people in Nigeria who have this disease, but lack of awareness prevents diagnosis and treatment.

I hope the work this gentleman (from the International Insulin Foundation)is doing will expand to other countries on the continent. If you come to Nigeria, I'd be willing to help.


Marionette Audifferen


Blogger Elizabeth Snouffer said...

Thank you Ellen! How wonderful for you to refer her on to me...



8:49 PM  

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